Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Greetings to all my founder friends as well as those who will join us. The following is a summary of our purpose as well as suggestions about how we may use our blog:

Purpose: To offer a support system for speakers, authors, artists and musician members. To allow them to network, give marketing ideas, share hopes, fears opportunities etc.

Celebration Post Example: "Guess what? I sent a query and it came back (finally) with a YES!!

"Help!" Example: "I'm feeling discouraged. I've sent out 8 queries about horny toads and noone is responding! Any ideas?"

Need Advice Exaple: "I want to write an article about newsletters and I’m looking for a magazine that may consider publishing it. Any Ideas?"

Ideas Example:
"While waiting at the Doctors office I was reading LDS Living. It looks like thy would be open to an article about family photos.

Opportunity Example:
"I spoke at Legacy Retirement Center. They often have art displays. Maybe an idea for you artists."

Music Example:
"I heard that Wheeler Farm is looking for more entertainers. The contact person in Teri."

------- Anyway, you get the idea. Let's make this SAAM VOICE OF LIGHT shine!!!