Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New Venue for SAAMS in West Valley!

Local Artists & Cultural Organizations Invited to Participate in Utah Cultural Celebration Center’s Partners Program

West Valley City – The Utah Cultural Celebration Center announced today it would continue its popular Partners Program, designed to assist local artists and arts organizations by providing them with something they need most – space. Now in its fourth year, the Partners Program has provided that coveted space for rehearsals, classes, meetings and other weekly gatherings for Utah’s music, art, singing and dance communities.

In essence, the Partners Program works like this: instead of paying the usual rental fees for using the Utah Cultural Celebration Center, artists and arts organizations admitted into the Partners Program are instead required three things in the goodwill exchange: 1) an agreed upon service from the partner organization equal to what facility costs would have been under a normal rental agreement; 2) mention of the Cultural Center as a partner in all public events, and 3) recognition of the Cultural Center on all promotions and advertising. All kinds of exchanges are possible with preference to exchanges that offer public programs or performances.

Last year’s success has not gone unnoticed by Cultural Center staff. “This is a real win-win situation,” says Michael Christensen, UCCC Folklorist. “With the Partners Program, the Cultural Center fulfills its mission by truly assisting artists in an area they desperately need, and at the same time the Cultural Center gets something we value in return – performers, artists, demonstrators, and other partners that help the Cultural Center present quality community arts programs. Partners Program groups last year included Chinese Folk Orchestra & Choir; Los Vientos del Sur, New-Zealand American Association; Latin Dance Heritage and others. Without their participation, our arts and cultural programs would not have been as rich or diversified. It’s truly a unique partnership.”

And this year the Utah Cultural Celebration Center hopes to get even more organizations to apply for the program. “During these economic times, as programming budgets are increasingly reduced, we rely on our partner organizations more than ever. They provide us with high quality cultural arts performances that come from the heart of our community” explains Program Director Susan Klinker. As the program grows, the Cultural Center is also beginning to schedule more performances out in the community and at local schools. To be put on an email list for announcements about upcoming opportunities, please send an email to

Detailed information about and applications for the Utah Cultural Celebration Center 2010 Partners Program is currently available online at or the Utah Cultural Celebration Center: 1355 West 3100 South. For more information, please call 965-5101

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Greetings to all my founder friends as well as those who will join us. The following is a summary of our purpose as well as suggestions about how we may use our blog:

Purpose: To offer a support system for speakers, authors, artists and musician members. To allow them to network, give marketing ideas, share hopes, fears opportunities etc.

Celebration Post Example: "Guess what? I sent a query and it came back (finally) with a YES!!

"Help!" Example: "I'm feeling discouraged. I've sent out 8 queries about horny toads and noone is responding! Any ideas?"

Need Advice Exaple: "I want to write an article about newsletters and I’m looking for a magazine that may consider publishing it. Any Ideas?"

Ideas Example:
"While waiting at the Doctors office I was reading LDS Living. It looks like thy would be open to an article about family photos.

Opportunity Example:
"I spoke at Legacy Retirement Center. They often have art displays. Maybe an idea for you artists."

Music Example:
"I heard that Wheeler Farm is looking for more entertainers. The contact person in Teri."

------- Anyway, you get the idea. Let's make this SAAM VOICE OF LIGHT shine!!!